
Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs are international goals for realizing a sustainable world, with 17 goals established in aims of developing the economy, society, and the environment in an integrated way by 2030.
The Toho Gas Group will continue contributing to achieving SDGs through its business activities.

Major Initiatives Contributing to Attaining SDGs

SDGs Pages in Integrated Report 2024
3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
P61-65 Promotion of Personnel Policies[PDF:415KB]
P65-67 Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives [PDF:274KB]
P67-68 Health Management Initiatives [PDF:203KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
P61-65 Promotion of Personnel Policies [PDF:415KB]
P65-67 Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives [PDF:274KB]
P67-68 Health Management Initiatives [PDF:203KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls P61-65 Promotion of Personnel Policies [PDF:415KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all P55-56 Resource Recycling [PDF:290KB]
P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all P39-40 Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations [PDF:98KB]
P49-52 Environmental Management[PDF:255KB]
P53-54 Global Warming Countermeasures[PDF:184KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all P61-65 Promotion of Personnel Policies [PDF:415KB]
P65-67 Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives [PDF:274KB]
P67-68 Health Management Initiatives [PDF:203KB]
9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation/td> P39-40 Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations [PDF:98KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
10 Correction of inequality within and among countries P61-65 Promotion of Personnel Policies [PDF:415KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
P77-78 Compliance [PDF:127KB]
11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable P39-40 Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations [PDF:98KB]
P49-52 Environmental Management[PDF:255KB]
P53-54 Global Warming Countermeasures [PDF:184KB]
P55-56 Resource Recycling [PDF:290KB]
P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns P49-52 Environmental Management[PDF:255KB]
P53-54 Global Warming Countermeasures[PDF:184KB]
P55-56 Resource Recycling [PDF:290KB]
P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts P39-40 Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations [PDF:98KB]
P49-52 Environmental Management[PDF:255KB]
P53-54 Global Warming Countermeasures[PDF:184KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development P55-56 Resource Recycling [PDF:290KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss P49-52 Environmental Management[PDF:255KB]
P53-54 Global Warming Countermeasures[PDF:885KB]
P55-56 Resource Recycling[PDF:290KB]
P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
P71-73 Corporate Governance[PDF:158KB]
P75-76 Internal Controls[PDF:129KB]
P77-78 Compliance[PDF:127KB]
17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development P57-58 Biodiversity Conservation [PDF:432KB]
P59-60 Contribution to the Local Community [PDF:403KB]
P69-70 Respect for Human Rights [PDF:212KB]
P74 Communication with Shareholders and Investors[PDF:179KB]