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Supply Chain Collaboration

Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Policy

The Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Policy is based on the Toho Gas Group Sustainability Policy.
The Group works with suppliers to attain a sustainable society.

Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Policy

1.Open and Fair Procurement

  • We will procure goods and services through open and fair opportunities for both domestic and international business partners, irrespective of nationality, company size, or past trading records.
  • Our selection of business partners will consider not only quality, price, reliability, and delivery schedules but also factors such as stable supply continuity, technological development capabilities, maintenance and improvement of technical standards, and a commitment to societal norms and ethics.

2.Mutual Trust

  • Through open and fair purchasing transactions with our business partners, we will strive to establish a strong foundation of mutual trust and work towards mutual development.


  • We will comply with relevant laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we conduct our purchasing transactions, respecting societal conscience and ethics.

4.Information Security

  • We will appropriately manage personal and confidential information collected during procurement activities.

5.Environmental Considerations

  • We will promote procurement practices that take into account environmental conservation and reducing environmental impact.

6.Human Rights and Occupational Health and Safety

  • We will understand the importance of respecting human rights and ensuring the occupational health and safety of those affected by our business activities. We will collaborate with our business partners to implement procurement strategies that reflect these considerations.

7.Contribution to the Local Community

  • We will actively engage in activities with our business partners to contribute to the development of the local community.

Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Guidelines

The Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Guidelines are based on the Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Policy, and represent Group requests made of suppliers.

Toho Gas Group CSR Procurement Guidelines

1.Quality, Price, Delivery, and Maintenance Management, etc.

(1) Quality and Safety:

  • We request that our business partners provide products and services that meet the quality and performance standards required by our group, which are maintained for a reasonable period of time, and that ensure safety in use and operation. We also request our business partners to strive to maintain and improve their technical level.

(2) Price:

  • Considering specifications, quality, delivery, purchase quantity, and market price trends, we request our business partners to provide products and services at fair and reasonable prices.

(3) Delivery:

  • In delivering products and services, we request our business partners to adhere to the delivery deadline and strive to maintain a stable supply.

(4) Maintenance Management & After-sales Service:

  • We request our business partners to maintain a system that can promptly and accurately conduct inspections, maintenance, repairs, and responses to accidents and malfunctions, and that can quickly provide necessary parts and technical assistance.


  • We request that our business partners comply with all relevant laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where business activities are conducted ,and respect societal norms and ethics.

3.Information Security

  • We request that our business partners strictly manage and protect any personal or confidential information collected through procurement transactions, and use it within legally permitted bounds. We also request our business partners thoroughly to implement measures to prevent the misuse or leakage of information.

4.Environmental Consideration

  • We request our business partners to strive for environmental conservation and reduction of environmental impact. When procuring goods and services, we request for their cooperation in procurement that leads to a reduction in environmental impact, such as selecting products and services that have as little impact on the environment as possible.

5.Human Rights & Occupational Safety and Health

  • We request our business partners to deepen their understanding of the importance of respecting the human rights and occupational safety and health of people affected by business activities, including the prohibition of discrimination, forced labor, and child labor. We request our business partners to respect human rights and strive for proper labor management and the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment.

6.Contribution to the Local Community

  • We request that our business partners consider the cultures and customs of the countries and regions where business activities are conducted , and strive to communicate with local communities.

7.Approach to Business Partners (Supply Chain Management)

  • We request that our business partners not only engage in CSR procurement but also encourage their own business partners to do the same.